Dental & Vision Lookup | MAPD
The links below will direct you to Healthcare plans websites and the websites for their ancillary benefits. If you don’t find the information you are looking for please call the agent you are working with to help guide you or get any questions answered.
Aetna Medicare
Aetna has a reimbursed dental plan in most states. Please have agent reach out to the patient or client for guidance with how to submit a claim for that benefit. No network is needed.
Dental - handled by Dentaquest
Dentists - please contact your Dentaquest Representative
Amerivantage Classic Plan (dental glance)
Amerivantage Dual Coordination Plan (dental glance)
BCBS of Tennessee
Dental, Vision, and Hearing link below:
BCBS Anthem
Dentaquest - Dental, contact your Dentaquest Representative
Cigna Healthspring
Dental - handled by Dentaquest
Dental, contact your Dentaquest Representative
Preferred, Premier, Advantage, Alliance, Alliance Direct Plans (Coverage - Preventative & Comprehensive)
TotalCare - Dual SNP (Coverage - Preventative & Comprehensive)
Dental - handled by Dentaquest
UHC Dual Complete
Dental Provider Info & Support
UHC Provider Dental Site
Vendor Contact Information
Dental Lookup for Dentist: Agent Resource
UHC Dentist Lookup
Dental Provider Info & Support
UHC Provider Dental Site
Vendor Contact Information
Dental Lookup for Dentist: Agent Resource
UHC Dentist Lookup
Wellcare MAPD
Dental, Hearing, and Vision link below: